'There’s something magical about a still photograph - a captured moment in time - that can simultaneously exist outside the fraction of a second the shutter captures. Jamie Beck'
La fashion fotographer newyorkese Jamie Beck, in collaborazione con il designer e motion graphic artist Kevin Burg, è l’autrice della serie “cinemagraphs”, gif fotografiche animate a metà strada tra video e foto. Immagini statiche decongelate e trasformate in attimi.
I due artisti hanno iniziato a sperimentare questa tecnica durante la Settimana delle Moda di Milano, a febbraio. Il primo approccio è stato quello di sequenziare le immagini con loop in rapida successione. Nei tentativi successivi hanno invece tentato di catturare un momento nel tempo, isolando parti della fotografia e rendendo il movimento più fluido.
Il risultato finale è unico. Mentre ogni cosa rimane immobile, ogni gesto è fissato nel tempo, piccoli dettagli sfuggono all’immobilità dello scatto. Un soffio di vento sfiora i capelli della modella, la fiamma di una lampione trema silenziosa.
'Of course the technology to create GIF’s has been around for decades but I believe its potential for both expression and impact, within the fashion world, has yet to be fully explored. Let me put it this way – film has been around for a century, does that mean that we’ve exhausted the possibilities? Jamie Beck'
[ A Cinemagraph is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly.
Visual Graphics Artist Kevin Burg began experimenting with the .gif format in this style in 2009 but it wasn't until he partnered with photographer Jamie Beck to cover NYFW that Cinemagraphs were born. Marrying original content photography with the desire to communicate more to the viewer birthed the cinemagraph process. Starting in-camera, the artists take a traditional photograph and combine a living moment into the image through the isolated animation of multiple frames. To quote supermodel Coco Rocha "it's more than a photo but not quite a video".
Beck and Burg named the process "Cinemagraphs" for their cinematic quality while maintaining at its soul the principles of traditional photography. Launched virally through social media platforms Twitter and Tumblr, both the style of imagery and terminology has become a class of its own. The creative duo are looking forward to exploring future display technologies for gallery settings as well as pushing this new art form and communication process as the best way to capture a moment in time or create a true living portrait in our digital age while embracing our need to communicate visually and share instantly.
Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg reside in New York City. ]
Visual Graphics Artist Kevin Burg began experimenting with the .gif format in this style in 2009 but it wasn't until he partnered with photographer Jamie Beck to cover NYFW that Cinemagraphs were born. Marrying original content photography with the desire to communicate more to the viewer birthed the cinemagraph process. Starting in-camera, the artists take a traditional photograph and combine a living moment into the image through the isolated animation of multiple frames. To quote supermodel Coco Rocha "it's more than a photo but not quite a video".
Beck and Burg named the process "Cinemagraphs" for their cinematic quality while maintaining at its soul the principles of traditional photography. Launched virally through social media platforms Twitter and Tumblr, both the style of imagery and terminology has become a class of its own. The creative duo are looking forward to exploring future display technologies for gallery settings as well as pushing this new art form and communication process as the best way to capture a moment in time or create a true living portrait in our digital age while embracing our need to communicate visually and share instantly.
Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg reside in New York City. ]
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